
20th Century Mexican Philosophy is a working platform for our project of translating essential readings in Mexican philosophy into English. Our first major task is a forthcoming anthology with Oxford University Press tentatively titled 20th Century Mexican Philosophy: Essential Readings on the Idea of Mexico. But this is one of several: Carlos Sanchez has already published a book that includes a full translation of Jorge Portilla’s Fenomenología del Relajo (The Phenomeology of Relajo) and Robert Sanchez is currently working on a commentary of the first edition of Samuel Ramos’s El peril del hombre y cultura en México (Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico), which will also include an original translation of text.

This site is a record of the process and an attempt to make Mexican philosophy available in the US more collaborative. We encourage readers to share their thoughts concerning the project in particular, and Mexican philosophy more generally, as we go along.

The “translation project” was born at the College of William and Mary in April 2014, where scholars/philosophers from the US and Mexico gathered to discuss its possibility. The group, which consisted of Guillermo Hurtado (Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas [IIF)), Alejandro Tomassini (IIF), Aurelia Valero (UNAM), Amy Oliver (American University), Kim Diaz (University of Texas, El Paso), Carlos A. Sanchez (San Jose State) and Robert E. Sanchez (Mount St. Mary’s University), discouraged by the overwhelming lack of Mexican philosophy in the US (in English), pledged to produce the highest quality collection of Mexican philosophy for the English-speaking/reading audience. Our objective is to introduce a rich and organized philosophical tradition to the US academy, as if* for the very first time.**

If you would like to contribute a post, please email Robert or Carlos Sanchez.

*Some of you might be familiar with this rich tradition, but our goal is to normalize the reading, study, and analysis of 20th century Mexican philosophy.

**from time to time, our blog will benefit from editorial comments from our readers. We will appreciate this wholeheartedly. In our first day of production, we’d like to thank Tricia Ryan for her valuable read-through and suggestions to the different texts in the launch-version of our blog.


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